Kattú Mitxelena Newiger
During some performances, dancer and choreographer Kattalin Mitxelena Newiger offers a movement session for children so that parents can go to the performances completely relaxed. The free childcare for children between the ages of 4 and 12 is both a playful dance lesson and a dance party without parents.
Short-term registration at: tanzplan2@kampnagel.de
For whom
everyone between 4 and 8 years old
Participation free of charge
Kampnagel - K3
Kattú Mitxelena Newiger
is a choreographer, performer and social worker. They studied performance studies, dance, theatre and education in Hamburg, Bilbao, La Réunion and Mainz. Since 2021, they has been exploring sinking to a beat as a radical practice of deceleration in artistic mediation formats and productions. Kattú's works are characterised by a gentle, welcoming live mixed bass and whimsical forms of locomotion.
(Status: 2024)
For whom
everyone between 4 and 8 years old
Participation free of charge
Kampnagel - K3