K3 as a residency space: K3 offers local and international choreographers various residencies at different points in their careers. The aim is to combine artistic research, production and presentation in order to overcome traditional production rhythms.
The K3 Residency is an eight-month residency between August and April for choreographers at the beginning of their career and is open to applicants from all over the world. The three residencies per season cover a monthly stipend, use of the K3 studios, mentoring, a production budget and much more. At the end of their work period, resident choreographers present their newly created pieces at the TanzHochDrei festival in March.
K3 has awarded three residencies every season since 2007 to international choreographers, who have already produced a few first works of their own. The K3 residency for up-and-coming choreographers differs from other residency formats because of its long eight-month duration. These eight months between August and April are intended to offer sufficient time and space to overcome conventional production rhythms and to reflect on one's own choreographic practice. Over the course of the residency, opportunities are provided for the choreographers to share insights into the process and research with the audience through workshops and showings. At the end of the residency period, all three choreographers develop a piece that is presented on one of Kampnagel’s stages as part of the TanzHochDrei festival.
The residency combines research, artistic practice, qualification and advanced training, production and the opportunity to network with the local and international dance scene. In addition to the use of the K3 studios, the residency programme includes a monthly stipend as well as a production budget, mentoring, dramaturgical support and further qualification opportunities. K3 also pays for travel expenses, assists with visa applications and can cover costs for accessibility.
The Open Call is between mid June and mid August for the following year and is open to interested choreographers from all over the world. Applications can only be submitted via the digital application portal. Start and deadline of the application period is announced in the K3 newsletter and on social media. Mandatory application documents include a CV, videos of previous works and a detailed project proposal. The applications are examined by the K3 team and an external committee in a multi-tier selection process for, among other things, artistic quality, (political and artistic) relevance, feasibility and sustainability.
Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica,
Robert Ssempijja and Constantin Trommlitz have been chosen for the season 2024/2025.
Niklaus Bein | Dramaturgy & Project Coordination
niklaus.bein[at] | +49 (0)40 / 270 949 – 321

Limited Edition is designed for up-and-coming Hamburg choreographers who are developing their first full-length pieces at K3. From April to June, they are given the opportunity to produce works of their own in the studios, and then perform them at the end of June.
The Limited Edition residency format at K3 supports young dance-makers from Hamburg who have already developed their first smaller works. From April to June, the resident choreographers can use the K3 studios and gain experience in developing a production under the conditions of the independent scene. The residency also includes dramaturgical support from K3 and external mentors. At the end of June, the pieces are presented on two evenings in a row on one of Kampnagel's stages (P1/K4).
Applications for Limited Edition can be submitted informally every August. All you need to do is send an email with a short description of your project, a CV and an overview of your previous dance/choreographic experience. Start and deadline of the application period is announced e.g. in the K3 newsletter and on social media. Limited Edition is open to applications from people with or without choreographic training and from diverse dance backgrounds.
Selected choreographers will receive support in preparing a funding application with a project proposal and budget, which they can use to apply to the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media for the funding for young artists in November. Participation in Limited Edition is only possible if the funding application is successful.
Bianca Kloss | Assistance
tanzplan[at] | +49 (0)40 270 949 45
K3 develops exchange formats for choreographers with various partner organisations from all over the world: For one month at a time, choreographers and dance-makers from Hamburg and abroad swap their place of work. The exchange formats are accompanied by digital workshops and networking opportunities
For years, K3 has been initiating and promoting temporary exchanges of dance professionals, with Hamburg-based artists moving to partner organisations abroad and choreographers and dancers coming to Hamburg from all over the world. The exchange formats are accompanied by digital workshops and networking opportunities. In cooperation with international partner institutions, K3 develops specific residency and work formats that are open to choreographers in all phases of their careers.
Currently existing partnerships are with the Centre de Création O Vertigo (CCOV) in Montréal in Canada, NAVE in Santiago de Chile, the New Italian Dance Platform (NID) in Italy, the Lithuainian Dance Information Centre and with Artworks from Greece. For one month at a time, participants receive a stipend and can use the resources of the partner organisation to gain insight into a different local scene.
The exchanges take place in summer and autumn, and applications are submitted at the beginning of each year. Start and deadline of the application period is announced e.g. in the K3 newsletter and on social media.
K3 develops all residency and work formats in cooperation with international partner institutions. In the past, these have included the two-year EU-funded project Tour d'Europe des Chorégraphes (Leonardo partnership, 2009-2011), Treffen Total (2010, 2016), the choreographer exchange Ping-Pong between Grenoble and Hamburg in cooperation with Le Pacifique | CDC (2012), an exchange between Copenhagen and Hamburg in cooperation with Dansehallerne (2013, 2014), the exchange with the partner organisations Seoul Dance Centre (2019, 2023) and a hybrid residency exchange (2022) funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation with the partner organisations Seoul Dance Centre, CSC Bassano del Grappa / NID New Italian Dance Platform / Italian Cultural Institute Hamburg, Artworks from Greece, L'Abri in Geneva and NAVE in Santiago de Chile.
Florence Rist | Coordination Digital Projects, Strategic Project Development
florence.rist[at] | +49 (0)40 / 270 949 – 953
The current international exchange projects for 2024 is funded by:
Scherazade Stiftung,